This Gardening Life

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Second Law of Holes: Keep Digging

.... the first law of holes being "If you are in one, stop digging." The first law of holes would have us stop and look at our obsessive spiral downward. The fact that we are our own worst enemy. The fact that if we continue with our obsession it will be our demise, bury us in the hole we have dug, turn it into our grave. Possibly even get us indicted, un-elected or impeached.
The second law of holes is therefore not for the faint of heart. Bring a willingness to dig your hole to China if you must. Dabble in chaos, rioting, anarchy, horror vacui, iffy partnerships, clashing colors and all sorts of cross pollination, both literal and metaphorical. Better to replace yourself in that hole with a plant. Or a few hundred. (Be sure to add a little blood meal and some quick start fertilizer for best results.)

Welcome to my garden.

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