Hope Springs Eternal...
He must have been a gardener.
This scrawny excuse for a lilac bush was planted in the front of Casa Grande more than 5 years ago. I've lost count of the springs I have waited patiently for a bloom or two, hoping for a whiff of that lovely and nostalgic scent known to all who have lived in a climate with a winter freeze. April is the cruelest month.
Alas! Alack!
Next year....
Hope springs eternal in the human breast.
Outstanding! Could it be finally blooming because we actually had some hard freeze a few nights this winter?
Legend in my own mind, at 2:17 PM
Since I took these photos, there have been a few more blooms. I dug up the area a bit to plant more iris. Not sure about the freeze, but maybe.
Barbara, at 7:33 AM
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