No Rain! Count Birds! Admire Garden! Pull Weeds!
It's a beautiful day in Fullerton. Not a cloud in the sky with the mercury in the most temperate of ranges. Here are a few photos of what's blooming and who is visiting...
Hardenbergia is outstanding this year. It's in it's fourth year, and with less competition from other vines and a heavy pruning of the elm, it has exploded into a wonderful purple haze.
After the rain, the birdbath below the hardenbergia filled with beautiful debris.
Candy Corn loves being potted. It had been in the ground in part shade for years and never bloomed like this.
Don't forget the Great Backyard Bird Count this weekend. You can sign up by clicking the link.
It's easy, and you can count yourself as a citizen scientist.
I love how the birdies wait their turn.
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