This Gardening Life

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Golden Sunday Backyard Bluebirds

The cats and I were having a glass of wine in the backyard after I returned from work this evening, when a male bluebird alighted on a branch in the old fig tree above me. He was keeping a close watch on the Katz Brothers, and me as well. I didn't notice his partner until later. Could not tell if they are living nearby or protecting young 'uns in the bluebird box I bought at the Green Scene in '09. Had noticed them building a nest in the box a few weeks ago, but they were being harassed by what looked like a Wilson's Warbler, and I thought they had moved on. This is the only time I've seen them since. Maybe I have not been paying close enough attention.

After tricking the boys into climbing into my lap for a scratch and tail pull, I tossed them into the house, so the bluebirds would relax. Unfortunately a Mockingbird decided to intimidate them, and they moved away.

A swarm of gnats in front of the bluebird box looked like flecks of gold in the evening glow.

Here is some info on the Western Bluebird. Here is some more.


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