Madame Alfred Carriere, of course. This French beauty is the light of my life in April when its first bloom blows me away with it's gentle scent and delicate pink flowers. I can't bear to cut them. There must be over 200 roses on the 12 ft. tall climber right now. It reminds me so much of French Haute Couture. There is a skirt at
Paula, (my favorite place for guilty shopping in Tustin), that is covered with flowers just like this. Wearing that skirt would make me think of the Madame all year round.
It's just impossible for me to get a photograph that shows the density of the roses on this... what do I call it?... It's practically a tree! I can see it through the picture window next to my computer desk as I work. Such a satisfying thing, to have this wonder of nature repeat this show for me each spring.

Hooray! The lilac bloomed again. This time the flowers are well formed. But there are still so few. I think the shade from the
Euphorbia Cotinifolia is too dense. I would consider moving it, but it took five years to get a bloom! Pruning the Euphorbia in the winter might be a better option.
Bluebird Alert! I think I have a nesting pair. Hoping to get photos this weekend.
Don't forget the Green Scene at the Fullerton Arboretum this weekend. It's my most favorite and anticipated event of the year. Is that just too nerdy?
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