Sunny with a Chance of Tomatoes
So, like the rest of the gardeners in the US, I succumbed to the lure of home grown tomatoes this year. Since I have precious little sun in my yard, my only option is to grown them in pots in front of the garage door. These are two plants purchased at the Green Scene last month. The larger clay pot with the big plant is drying out every day. Looks pretty scraggly at the bottom. But there are tomatoes. Hooray. The smaller Roma plant in the glazed clay pot looks green and strong. Also has tomatoes. We shall see if the taste and satisfaction from growing them myself was worth the effort. The basil is yummy.
Nice plug for Patio Plus.
The tomato I got at Green Scene struggles in an unglazed clay pot, dries out all the time but does have a few fruits. I also purchased 2 ridiculously huge (1 gal containers) plants at Armstrong and put them in the ground. One of these looks like it is succumbing to disease of some sort. The other one is thriving and loaded with fruit.
By vanessa cardui, at 1:39 PM
I remember tomatoes being so easy to grow when mom and dad did it. What happened?
By vanessa cardui, at 5:56 PM
Probably only seemed so since we were kids and didn't have do the planting and tending. I don't remember them having to buy expensive organic fertilizer or soil. Maybe we try too hard. Meanwhile, Jorge's cherry tomatoes from the gardens at Cal Poly have taken over the side of my house. Can't get rid of them! They come up between the cracks in the sidewalk.
By Barbara, at 7:49 PM
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