Listening to Thoreau
SIMPLIFY!!! It's my yearly after-Fair battle cry.
This year I mean it. Home Depot has Japanese Boxwood for $3.33 a gallon. So far I've planted 24. (see neatly stacked one gallon pots above.) I'm tired of chaos. These chaotic times call for structure, and nothing says structure like buxus, particularly at 3 for ten bucks.
Each year at the end of Fair I swear I will not, once again, bring home all the palms to tend until next year. I swear I will not bring home the poor sad bloomed out homeless kalachoe.
Returning to the garden after four months of neglect I find everything overgrown, raggedy, and full of spiders. The bird feeders empty. Weeds peaking up through the pea stone walks. Billions of Chinese Elm seeds already falling. Entropy.
With my planting, pruning and cleaning done for the week, mercifully limited by the size of my one brown (why brown and not green?) green waste trash can provided by the city of Fullerton, I swept spiders and leaves off my chairs for a shady sit down. Where's the chardonnay?