This Gardening Life

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So, the tomato plants have begun to bear ripened fruit. The ratty looking plant in the unglazed pot is producing nicely. I've tasted the first two to ripen and found them in need of peeling, but otherwise tasty. Not, however, measuring up to the memory of my father's tomatoes back in the day. Probably a symptom of the "sickness of nostalgia" described by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I remember dad saying "everything tastes better with salt." Sadly.

While they did not disappoint, they did not thrill. Here's hoping that as the plants mature, and the sun finally shines in July and August, and the habanero chilies fruit, and the birds don't eat them first, (do birds eat habaneros?) there will be gazpacho enough for a midsummer night's dream.


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