This Gardening Life

Friday, July 14, 2006

Pod Promise Part 2

That's a seed pod from a Stephanotis floribunda in the post below. (Blogger wouldn't let me edit after I posted the photo via Picasa.) I've grown these seeds before. In fact, this very seed pod came from a plant, now huge, that I'd grown from seed about three years ago. That seed came from a pod off a plant I've had for about ten years, grown in a pot and moved with me into Casa Grande here in Fullerton eight years ago.

Stephanotis, or Madagascar Jasmine, is highly fragrant. The white waxy flowers grow in bunches and are commonly used in bridal bouquets.

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The Promise in the Pod

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Judicious Neglect

My garden has exploded. I can't see the house next door. Madame Alfred Carriere has grown so tall not even the roof is visible.

This Buddleia, diseased last year, has grown to 12 ft. and pumped out some impressive flower heads.

A lilac and cestrum planted three years ago decided this was their year to thrive.

The wisteria pictured in a previous post, poopy and refusing to grow or bloom since it was planted four years ago has hatched its plan to take over its universe. And the one next door.

I spend my summers working the county fair. No time for gardening. Things get watered a little haphazardly. The automatic sprinklers do the bulk of the work. The garden is left to its own devices.
When I find the time to sit in the shade under the purple umbrella I marvel at how little I'm needed.

Oh sure, the water and all. And all that fertilizing and pruning in months past. But for these summer months I find myself a vestigial appendage, having no real useful purpose.

Even Jorge's potted plant collection seems to be exceedingly happy. His "you/me/them" cactus has pushed out a flower with more to come.

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